Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University-MBSTU Hon's Admission Circular

Bangladesh Army Circular : 27 TH DSSC AEC(JAG), 40 TH DSSC (RV & FC), 60 TH DSSC (AMC), 56 TH DSSC (ADC), 39 TH BMA Special Course – Engineers, Singnals, EME, AEC

Dhaka University ICT short courses admission Circular

Degree Final Year Examination-2011 Form Fill-up Date Announced

National University has declared degree final year exam form fill-up date. Student can collect form and submit from August 2, 2012 to August 25, 2012. Details information of application about form fill-up is available on National University website:

Bangladesh Agricultural University Hon’s Admission Test Circular |

The admission test of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) for 1st year, 1st semester Hon’s course of 2012-13 session will be held on November 10, 2012.
Details information regarding admission test will be available on Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) website:

Khulna University Hon's Admission Test Circular |

The admission tests of Khulna University (KU) for first year Hon’s courses of 2012-13 sessions will be held on October 14, 15 and 16.
More details regarding admission test will be available on Khulna University website: