Dhaka University ICT short courses admission Circular

CSE Department, Dhaka University offers following ICT short courses

The courses & fees are:
1. Introduce to office applications - Tk.5000 
2. Introduce to Linux & open office applications - Tk.5000
3. Linux system administration & Configuration - Tk.8000
4. Computer networking for beginners - Tk.8000
5. Web design & development - Tk.8000
6. Deployment of IPv6 - Tk.8000
7. Database administration & management using Oracle -Tk.8000

Total course duration: 40 hours. Class will be held 2 days per week.
Last date of admission: August 14, 2012.
Class start date: September 01, 2012 time 5:30pm to 8:30pm

For admission and details information contact:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Phone: 9661900-75 Ext 7460
Email: ictshortcourse@cse.univdhaka.edu
Web: ictshortcourse.cse.univdhaka.edu
Mobile: 01767794390