Bangladesh Army Circular : 27 TH DSSC AEC(JAG), 40 TH DSSC (RV & FC), 60 TH DSSC (AMC), 56 TH DSSC (ADC), 39 TH BMA Special Course – Engineers, Singnals, EME, AEC

Bangladesh Army invites application for the following courses. After completing course, they will join Bangladesh Army as a Commission Officer.

A new circular of Bangladesh Army for following courses:  39TH BMA Special Course -(Engineers, Signals, EME, AEC), 27TH DSSC AEC (JAG), 40TH DSSC Remount Veterinary and Farn Core(RVFC), 60TH DSSC Army Medical Core(AMC), 56TH DSSC Army Dental Core (ADC). Join BAngladesh Army and serve nation.

Last Date of Application: Aug 23, 2012

For details information and online application visit on